Williams Furnace Company 6701 Side-Outlet Register for Forsaire Top-Vent and Direct-Vent Furnace
Williams Furnace
Usually Leaves Warehouse in 1 - 2 Weeks
Add this side-register to your Forsaire Top-Vent and Direct-Vent heaters to add heat to a second room. This register mounts on the side wall of a second room and must be within 10 inches of the furnace.
Side Outlet Register
10" Boot
Add this side-register to your Forsaire Top-Vent and Direct-Vent heaters to add heat to a second room. This register mounts on the side wall of a second room and must be within 10 inches of the furnace.
Add this side-register to your Forsaire Top-Vent and Direct-Vent heaters to add heat to a second room. This register mounts on the side wall of a second room and must be within 10 inches of the furnace.